James Baker 256-990-0978
David Gregory 256-783-2892
[email protected]

Hardknox Pistols 10uLylaLackey

Our sweet Lyla, we are so proud of you! You have so much heart and dedication and your comittment to your team and to growing is unmatched. The way you work so hard shows us that you will go far no matter where you end up. We are so proud of your positive attitude and the way you show the love of Jesus to everyone around you. Thank you for letting us be a part of all God is doing with your life. He has good and perfect plans for you! We love you!!

Bombers 10UDarionBailey

Good luck on this adventure, sister. Keep reaching for the stars! Remember, we are always your biggest fans.
Love, Mom, Dad & KJ

Lightning 8uMissyPyles

Good Luck Char!!!! We’re so proud of you and love you so much!!!💙🖤⚡️🥎
